Color Palette

The heritage of the Weill Cornell Medicine color palette is represented by Cornell University Red, which symbolizes the strength and foundation of our brand. The Orange brings our promise to life and simply symbolizes the positive results we strive for every day.


WCM Colors

Our brand uses color the same way we use typography: confidently, boldly, and powerfully. Cornell University Red is a constant and must appear on all communications. When there is only one color present, it must be Cornell University red. Dark Orange and Bright Orange can be used to “light up” content and design. Yellow should be used more sparingly. 

Our color palette is intentionally limited to a specific set of warm primary colors and neutral secondary colors. It makes us more instantly recognizable, standing out in a highly competitive healthcare environment.

CMYK files are made up of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black ink. CMYK colors appear best in printed materials.

RGB files are made up of Red, Green and Blue light, and appear best in digital files.


Our secondary palette is used in support of our primary palette and comprises a range of gray tones. The darker the tone, the more sparingly it’s used. Black and white are used for punctuation.

Note: 5% Black is for print applications only.

Color Values


c0 m100 y79 k20
r179 g27 b27
c0 m82 y94 k2
r207 g69 b32
c0 m65 y98 k0
r232 g119 b34
c0 m14 y100 k0
r255 g199 b44



c0 m0 y0 k0

c0 m0 y0 k100
40% Black

c0 m0 y0 k40
20% Black

c0 m0 y0 k20
10% Black

c0 m0 y0 k10
5% Black

c0 m0 y0 k5


Q: Image Tip: Gray

A: Cool Gray 6 and Cool Gray 8 can also be used in print applications.

Q: Image Tip: Logo

A: Use the all-white logo on a dark background. The all-black logo can be used on a lighter background.

Q: How much color/text is too much?

A: Use bold, bright colors selectively. The colors in the presentation should compliment and highlight the content, not distract the audience.

Keep the amount of text on your page to a minimum. The text sizes have been set for optimum readability in a variety of presentation settings. Long blocks of small text decreases readability and may reduce the clarity and impact of the message.