Entity Logos

Entity lock-ups

Entity lock-ups are composed of the Seal, our wordmark, and the entity name.

In these lock-ups, the word “Medicine” changes to red and the entity name is “highlighted” in orange.

Entity logo lock-ups are available in horizontal or vertical format, to accommodate various applications.

All lock-ups have been created by the Marketing Division in External Affairs.

Neurology Logo Top

Named lock-ups

Named lock-ups are composed of the Seal, our wordmark, and the entity name.

In these lock-ups, the word "Medicine" changes to red and the entity name is featured in orange.

Short Name

For most applications, and with donor approval, use the shorter version (e.g. Meyer Cancer Center) to support readability, memorability and clarity.

Meyer Cancer Center top logo

Long Name

Use the long name when requested by the donor or when appropriate for the situation. Potential examples include formal invitations, co-branding and building signage.

All lock-ups have been created by the Marketing Division in External Affairs.

Tip: Due to donor agreements, the word “and” is spelled out in named logo lock-ups. The ampersand is used in all other entity logo lock-ups.

Meyer Cancer Center Long Name


Q: Can I create my own logo?

A: All master brand and entity logos are created by Marketing. For consistency of design, all units must employ the lock-ups and downloads on the brand website. Since they follow strict design patterns, logos should not be altered in any way.  If you have a question on which logo or format to use click here or contact brand@med.cornell.edu.

Q: Can I add more information to my current logo?

A: A logo has the single purpose of identifying the brand and serving as an element of easy recognition.  As the simple visual is repeated and recognized over time, it creates a sense of familiarity and trust.  It can also be an aid in wayfinding.  With this limited purpose in mind, a logo cannot be expected to serve as a billboard or any other form of communication.  If you need to communicate additional messages, the Marketing team can assist in finding another solution.